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you and your workplace

Check out our offerings, choose the program that best fits your workplace, and sign up to get more details!

Thought Leadership

Mental Wellbeing Dashboard

This interactive dashboard enables HR managers and key decision-makers to access and analyze the latest trends, using the most relevant resources related to mental wellbeing in the workplace.


It also includes a high-class landscape analysis of corporate wellbeing programs implemented by other enterprises along with a deep-dive into the characteristics of Millennials and the younger generation, offering insights on how to attract, maintain and grow your young employees talents.


The provided content is gathered, evaluated and curated by our team, enabling you to create the workplace of tomorrow.

Latest thought leadership trends

Interactive, engaging and easy to navigate

All the relevant info in one place

Enterprise Mental

Wellbeing Program

Driven by design thinking co-creation toolbox.


In collaboration with your own Millennial employees, we create your customized Minimal Viable Mental Wellbeing Program based on a series of surveys and interviews with the Millennial employees at your workplace. 


This ensures that the program is what they need and want, which secures immediate buy-in and adoption to create a positive change in their lives.

Co-created togeteher with Millennials

Prompts a positive lasting change in behaviour

Based on lean startup methodology

Mental Wellbeing

Our workshops are designed together with Millennials, reflecting on their unique characteristics and mental wellbeing challenges in the high paced, connected, and digital world we live in.


We partnered with scientists and psychologists in order to deliver high-class science-based informative, interactive, and engaging workshops.


Through an interactive approach workshop, participants will learn how to recognize a specific mental health condition, i.e. stress and anxiety, how to identify its symptoms and cope with it.

Workshops on coping with stress and anxiety

Interactive and engaging learning

Backed by psychology, neuroscience and industry practices

Fellow Non-Profit Organizations

We are looking to collaborate with like-minded non-profit organizations, who are willing to advance the mental wellbeing agenda.

Get in touch so we can find ways to join forces and create a world where millennial mental wellbeing is valued, promoted, and encouraged.

Any questions?

Contact us for more information.

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Copyright 2020 | Millennial Mental Wellbeing

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