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Read more about young Professionals

“Are millennials & Gen Z really that different?” The answer is yes — profoundly so.

Millennials & Gen Z will change the world decisively more than any other generation

– Jim Clifton, Chairman & CEO of Gallup Research

EXPLAINING Young Professionals

The Dark Side

Younger Millennials & Gen Z differ in a few significant ways from their older counterparts; some of these differences are authentic and unique traits, while others reflect the technological world in which millennials matured.

They are the first generations to grow up with technology. This shaped how they read, write, and relate - relying on technology in almost all their important daily decisions. It is the generation with the highest consumption of social media. All of which has impacted their mental wellbeing significantly. 

This has left them vulnerable, overwhelmed, and unprepared to the ramifications of the new reality of a connected world, where they are online 24/7, with access to an overwhelming amount of information with constant self-comparison at a scale, thanks to Instagram and alike. The other side of the story is that Millennials & Gen Z are lacking access to a relevant mental health toolbox that can help them cope, navigate, and thrive.

The Bright Side

Younger Millennials & Gen Zunique traits make them fit for purpose to lead the change in recognition of mental health importance. They  are known to be proactive, purpose-driven, and willing to challenge the status quo.


They are called the 'therapy generation' due to their willingness to address their emotions and speak up, which is exactly what's needed if we are to witness a real change in destigmatizing the taboo around mental health. In addition, Gallup research has found that Millennials & Gen Z want a high level of wellbeing, which to them means more than just being physically fit and healthy.  

"It's not just my job, it is my life" – Millennials

Millennials increasingly see their life and work inseparable and are therefore drawn to companies that care about their individual wellbeing where they are encouraged to focus on their whole selves.


Millennials will commit to organizations that share their principles and values. This supports the ongoing trend cited by Tom Seymour, CEO of PWC: "Attracting and keeping younger talent is one of [companies'] biggest challenges". As a result, companies, where Millennials are not taken care of, will suffer in terms of productivity, innovation, and - inevitably - profitability.


Furthermore, if Millennials' wellbeing is not thriving, they will struggle in life beyond career satisfaction, affecting how they perform as parents, consumers, and citizens. To address this challenge, our for impact start-up's mission is to bring mental wellbeing programs to the forefront to address and support mental health.


To enable every millennial to grow, create, achieve, and prosper.

Young Professionals 

Redefining workspaces

Core contributors to the global economy

"The therapy generation"

Suffering from depression, stress, anxiety and isolation

Why Workplaces? 

The Ultimate Truth – Our Struggle, Our Terms

Our vision is to create a world where mour mental wellbeing is valued, promoted, and encouraged. Great for us. How can we do that? To be able to make an impact and improve the agenda around mental health conversation and create a toolbox, we need an effective channel to reach as many Millennials & Gen Z as possible.

This is where the workplaces come in!


  • By 2025, 75% of the global workforce will be composed of Millennials & Gen Z

  • Workplaces are widely known as the main contributor to millennial mental health challenges.

  • 1/3 of a modern person's life is spent at work. Physically or remotely – thanks to the new normal.

“Research reveals that Millennials are the most likely generation to be open to new job opportunities and the most likely generation to say they plan to leave their job”

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The Tweaked Truth - What's In It For Us? - Decision-Makers At A Workplace

Workplaces are struggling with attracting and retaining young talents. To change that, we need to rethink how to design workplaces in order to ensure a fit for the upcoming generation's characteristics.

Young professionals will prefer companies that provide them with an employee value proposition that goes beyond professional development, also due to our globalized and increasingly connected world. The COVID-19 pandemic increased this trend, as working from anywhere accelerates the competition for attracting young talents. Enlarging the pool of choices for young talent, who will solicit to work for workplaces that cater to their needs.

Workplaces that implement the change can leverage a strategy to differentiate and attract young talents. Consequently, it can also be used as a cost leadership strategy; providing effective mental wellbeing tools can be utilized as a preventive tool to reduce costs related to leaves because of burnout and stress. 


There are 17 goals for sustainable development created by the UN. 
Our goal here at Millennial Mental Wellbeing supports the third goal: 
'Good health and wellbeing'. Read more about SDGs here.

Mental Health Is Included In The UN Sustainable Development Goals

For the first time, world leaders are recognizing the promotion of mental health and well-being, as health priority within the global development agenda. The inclusion of mental health in the Sustainable Development Agenda for 2030, which was adopted at the United Nations General Assembly in September 2015, is likely to have a positive impact on communities and countries.

This better world we are building together with like-minded stakeholders is envisioned in the declaration as a place “where physical, mental and social well-being are assured”, keeping up with the WHO definition of health. 



At MMW we are excited and humbled by the opportunity to offer our little contribution to the greater good with our work, supporting the UN vision for a healthy prosperous future for all.



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